Fellow Revolutionaries and Useful Links

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Fellow Revolutionaries

Tim Melton SacrosanctGospel:  The Assistant Pastor at Surfside Pres.  During my time in Myrtle Beach, Tim has become a real pastor to me.  Tim is a wise and Gospel centred man, who I respect and admire.

Mark Chaney’s Music at Trinity:  Mark Chaney’s blog is a treasure for the music lover.  He educates and reminds us of the deep spiritual depth of the ancient music of the Church.

Andy Morgan Lukefourteenthirtythree:  A former boxer turned priest.  What’s not to like about that?  Andy serves at Christ the Savior Anglican Church in Mount Vernon.  His blog is mainly Bible studies as well as book reviews.  A very thoughtful, likable guy.

Dave Libbon Simul Iustus et Peccator:  Dave is the head youth minister at St. Andrew’s Mount Pleasant.  I had the great pleasure of working with Dave at St Paul’s in Conway, SC.  His blog’s title refers to the Lutheran mantra “at the same time righteous and a sinner.”

Steve Wood TreadingGrain:  Steve is a mentor and good friend.  It goes without saying I respect him enormously.  The senior pastor of St Andrew’s in Mt Pleasant shares his thoughts.

Colin Burch LiturgicalCredo: LiturgicalCredo.com is an online journal devoted to essays, reviews, interviews and the arts.

Glorious Revolution

Approved Resources!

Practical Shepherding: Brian Croft is the Senior Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville, KY.  His materials give sage advice to the ministry practitioner.  I rarely walk away from this blog unchanged!

Gospel Coalition: The Gospel Coalition is a group of like minded Gospel centered men and women committed to working across tertiary disagreements to execute Gospel Centered Ministry.  Their blog discusses everything you can think of from a Gospel-centered perspective.

CCEF: The mission of the Christian Counseling Education Foundation is “Restoring Christ to Counseling and Counseling to the Church.”  I have been deeply impacted by the folks at the CCEF in my own approach to ministry.  If you want to know what we mean when we talk about the Gospel applying to real life, read everything on this site.

Grace Gems!: The name says it all!  This site offers daily posts of rich Gospel centered excerpts from classical Reformed Christian authors.  Subscribe to Grace Gems, and you’ll be blessed!

The Resurgence: This blog comes out of Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill Church in Seattle.  It provides not only resources for ministry and leadership, but also in depth engagement with culture.

AnglicanCurmudgeon:  Insightful commentary on the Episcopal Church along with a lot of other material that is engaging and uplifting.

BeThinking:  An excellent resource for apologists and evangelists offering resources on atheism, relativism, and a host of other cultural challenges of the contemporary West.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library:  A massive database of primary sources for Christian Theology.  Save your money!  Many of the greatest theological works of the Christian tradition can be found here for free.  Although at the end of the day, nothing beats marking up a good book.

DesiringGod:  Free online books, sermons (text, audio, and some video), and articles from John Piper.  Awesome resource.

Abort73:  A Christian website that offers theological, philosophical, and scientific resources on Abortion from a conservative Christian perspective

JohnOwen.org:  A superb page dedicated to the great Puritan theologian John Owen.  You will find links to original writings, bibliography, research articles and more.

KendallHarmon.com: Blog of the Canon Theologian of the Diocese of South Carolina.  Kendall is an astute commentator on a range of issues, but I principally use this to keep up with issues involving our diocese and the Anglican Communion.

Monergism:  The motherload!  Five hundred years worth of free books, articles and sermons.  Absolutely superb database.  With bookstore!’

The Parker Society:  The Parker Society was the London-based Anglican society which printed in fifty-four handsome volumes the works of the leading English Reformers of the sixteenth century. It was formed in 1840 and disbanded in 1855 when its work was completed. Its name is that of Matthew Parker, the first Elizabethan Archbishop of Canterbury, who was known as a great collector of books. The stimulus for the foundation of the society was provided by the Tractarian movement, led by John Henry Newman and Edward B. Pusey. Some members of this movement spoke disparagingly of the English Reformation, and so some members of the Church of England felt the need to make available in an attractive form the works of the leaders of that Reformation.  Many of their works are available partially from this website linked above.

ProjectWittenberg:  Works by and about the father of the Protestant Reformation, the good Dr. Martin Luther

ReformU.K.: Reform is a network of churches and individuals within the Church of England, committed to the reform of ourselves, our congregation and our world by the gospel.

ReformationScotland:  Reformation Scotland is the website of the Inverness Branch of the Scottish Reformation Society. Their aim is to promote a witness to the history, theology and principles of the Scottish Reformation.

StandFirminFaith:  Probably the best online resource to keep up with the ever changing landscape of the Anglican Communion.

The George Whitefield Sermon Archive:  How could you go wrong here? A selection of the great puritan theologian, preacher, and missionary’s sermons available online.

Spurgeon Sermon Archive:  My favorite preacher of all time!  A huge database of books, sermons, and writtings from the “last Puritan” and “Prince of Preachers”

The Urban Resurgence: “Reviving Theocentricity in the Urban Community” is the tagline for this website. Inner city rapper/ theologians discuss reformed theology, hip hop and urban missions. I have too much respect and gratitude for these guys to put into words. You must check them out.